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The need for super fast fibre broadband for the corporate traveller

Stay connected in Milton Keynes serviced accommodation


Wi-Fi is imperative to the busy executive when working away from home.  So, to keep our guests happy, we provide fibre broadband in all of our serviced apartments and houses, which is absolutely free!

Guests need to keep in touch with business colleagues during the day (and for the work-a-holic sometimes at night, too) and family when relaxing.

We know from listening to our corporate guests that the following are key essentials when on business travel.


  • Productivity: Business travellers need a reliable and high-speed internet connection to stay productive while on the road. Slow or unreliable internet can lead to wasted time and missed opportunities.


Fast fibre broadband


  • Communication: Business travellers often need to stay in touch with colleagues, clients, and partners through video conferences, emails, and instant messaging. A fast internet connection ensures smooth communication without interruptions or delays.


  • Data Transfer: Many business tasks involve transferring large files, such as presentations, reports, and data backups. Super-fast fibre broadband speeds up the process and reduces the time required to send or receive important files.


  • Cloud Services: Businesses increasingly rely on cloud-based services for data storage, collaboration, and software applications. A fast internet connection is essential for seamless access to cloud services.


  • Video Conferencing: Business meetings and conferences often take place through video calls. High-speed internet ensures that video conferences are clear and uninterrupted, improving the overall quality of communication.


  • Research and Information Access: Business travellers may need to access online resources, market data, or industry news. A fast internet connection allows them to gather information and make informed decisions quickly.


  • Security: Cybersecurity concerns business travellers, and a fast, secure internet connection is crucial for protecting sensitive data and preventing cyberattacks.


  • Multitasking: Business travellers often juggle multiple tasks simultaneously, such as researching, emailing, and video conferencing. Super-fast internet enables efficient multitasking without performance bottlenecks.


  • Entertainment and Relaxation: After a long day of work, business travellers may want to unwind by streaming movies, listening to music, or using online entertainment services. Fast internet ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience.


  • Hotel and Conference Venue Needs: Many hotels and conference venues offer fibre broadband as a premium service to attract business travellers. Providing high-speed internet can help these establishments cater to their target audience's needs.


Many large corporate head offices are based in Milton Keynes, so we know firsthand that super-fast fibre broadband is essential. It enhances productivity, communication, data transfer, and overall convenience while ensuring a secure and reliable internet connection for work-related tasks and personal needs.


If you need to know more about download and upload speeds, call the office on 01908 540636, or if you prefer, email, and one of the team will assist you.


About the author


ShortstayMK - Luxury Serviced Apartments in Milton Keynes.

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